Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The longest year ever

The fact that 2008 had a 29th of February plus me starting the year in Berlin and letting it end in Hawaii already made this year 1 day and 11hours longer for me than any average year. But when I finally found out that the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service also had to add another second to that year to keep it synchronized with the earth's revolution around the sun, I was pretty sure I had the longest year ever.

And it felt like that as well. Including the weekend trips in early 2008 I visited 18 countries that year and spending Christmas in the States and New Year's in Hawaii just meant making it superb.

So of course there would be plenty to tell but as always I want to keep it short and let pictures and videos tell the full story.
Just so much: I want to thank everybody very much for their birthday wishes and since I just got back from Hawaii (where internet access was $12 an hour) I will now take the time and reply...

I also owed pictures from Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua. The latter one was my favourite of those three. Comparatively quiet and secure and a very beautiful landscape. El Salvador is quite rough, meaning it is obviously the most developed one and in some parts very similar to the States. But on the other hand has one of the highest crime rates and every chewing gum shop or supermarket is guarded by security guys with pumpguns. At nights the streets are patrolled by the same guys and I have definetly never seen so many armed forces before.

However the parts of Honduras that I have seen were very poor, had a lot of unpaved gravel roads and lacked of charme and tourism infrastructure. Actually during the week in Honduras and El Salvador I have hardly ever seen any tourist, so it was just me and my backpack most of the time...

El Salvador / Nicaragua
El Salvador / Nicaragua

So I will refer to Hawaii in a later blog entry...

1 comment:

  1. El Salvador is not so rough, you were safe and with good company ;)
